
A JSLint TextMate Bundle

View the Project on GitHub artcom/jslint-tmbundle

JSLint TextMate Bundle

Another JSLint Bundle for TextMate.

Build Status

Coverage Status


There are many JSLint Bundles out there which may be prettier but they all lack functionality. Most Bundles only report on errors on lines and thats it. This bundle takes advantage of the full returned data by JSLint, incl. listed globals and more. It also has .jslintrc support which makes it compatible with the jslint.vim vim-plugin. This is important for teams working on stuff.

Example Session:

Example Session




Install by cloning:

$ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/
$ git clone git://github.com/artcom/jslint-tmbundle.git JSLINT.tmbundle
$ osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles'

or cloning somewhere else and symlinking it there.

TextMate & rvm

It is possible to create an environment for rvm in textmate by following the instructions on rvm homepage.

The TM_RUBY will then be used automatically by the bundle. Otherwise the system ruby will be used.

Syntax highlighting support

The gem coderay can be used (optionally) to highlight code.

Highlighted Source

.jslintrc support

This bundle supports using '~/.jslintrc'. Recommended Settings:

/*jslint infixin: true, nomen:true, sloppy: true, vars: true, white: true, forin: true, plusplus: true, continue: true, bitwise: true */


References & Attributions

Development setup

The bundle uses rspec and guard for development. The required gems can be installed by bundler with the supplied Gemfile.

Copyright (c) ART+COM AG, Berlin Germany 2012 - Author: Andreas Marr (andreas.marr@artcom.de)